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About our School

Learning and Growing Together

Wheatfield Elementary School serves students Kindergarten through Third Grade. The school population comes from the town of Wheatfield and the surrounding rural area. Our school enrollment is approximately 375 students.

The staff of Wheatfield Elementary is highly dedicated to educating all students. Professional services are provided by one principal, 29 certified staff, one full-time social worker, a certified nurse, English Language Learner (ELL) Teacher and many instructional assistants.

Special Education services are provided at Wheatfield for students with learning disabilities, mild and intense cognitive disabilities as well as communication disorders. The Special Education Cooperative provides many other services to students with disabilities.


The staff uses various differentiated instructional strategies and resources to support the achievement of Indiana Academic Standards and the Kankakee Valley (KV) Curriculum Guide.  Academic progress is reported to parents through report cards, phone calls, Class Dojo, and internet-based Skyward.

Parent Teacher Council (PTC)

An active parent/teacher organization meets the first Thursday of each month at the school.  The goal of this organization is to support the school academically, philosophically, and financially.

Educational Profile

The instructional program at Wheatfield Elementary School incorporates the best of traditional and innovative practices by offering an enriched and challenging environment for the students.  Resource and learning support is offered through Title I, Response to Intervention, Counseling and Character Education, Speech/Language Therapy, ELL assistance, and services for High Achieving Students.  A breakfast program is available to all students.

Classrooms Kindergarten through Third have their own one-on-one Chromebook device that they use in the classroom. The school has an automated library system and is in close proximity to the Wheatfield Public Library for additional resources.

A parent resource center has been established through Title I, which provides materials that complement the needs of all students at home.